A few months back, when the impeachment rhetoric was loudest (’till that point), one of my colleagues wrote about how the whole process worked. In the article, Impeachment is heating up, but it is not the silver bullet folks think, Doug discussed the long and arduous process that impeachment is, and how being impeached is really just the first step.
Trump and his advisers know this. They know the process is long, and riddled with opportunities for Trump and his surrogates to exploit it to their advantage. The general idea of the narrative is set; Democrats Bad, Deep State Puppets, Us against globalists. However, the implementation details remain. It is those details that will be sprinkled throughout the impeachment process and twitter. The Trump administration is excellent at nudging people towards doubt. Doubt is the first step towards confusion. And confusion and chaos is what Trump thrives upon.
I am of the opinion this is a bad bet. I feel the democrats have done exactly what Trump wanted them to do. I do not feel Trump plays 3-dimensional chest, as much as he does not know how to play chest and therefore does not follow the rules you’d expect. The democrats are putting all of their eggs in this basket and hoping the charges will stick. If they fail, Trump’s confidence and mockery of the system will only grow. That is what makes me the most afraid.
Trump’s lack of scruples has gotten him very far. Farther than anyone else thought possible. The only way to get rid of him, is to vote him out. Trump’s biggest and only incentive is his narcissism. This narcissism drives him to get people to like him. His kryptonite will be the American people telling him to leave office, anything else is like the power of the Sun to him.