It’s true! It really depends on where you mother lives and/or what her nationality may be. In the US, Mother’s day is celebrated on the Second Sunday in May (today). And if you lived in the other 126 countries that also celebrate Mother’s day on the Second Sunday, well… Happy Mother’s day to you too.
But what if you lived in Norway? Well, then we are way off. In Norway they celebrate Mother’s day on Second Sunday of February.
How about our neighbor to the south, Mexico. Like El Salvador and Guatemala, they have a set date for Mother’s day, May 10. Sometimes the Second Sunday coincides with the 10th, but don’t be fooled 🙂
South Korea is more progressive than all. They celebrate Parents’ day on May 8th. Good for you South Korea, breaking down that gender barrier.
Though the month of May is when most of the world’s celebrations are concentrated, Mother’s day celebrations continue until the months of November and December. That’s when Russia and Indonesia celebrate their Mothers respectively.
So to all the Mothers of the world. Happy Mother’s day to you all.