#trump #election2020 #texasshooting #ohioshooting #racistchants
No mass shooting had been so clearly a hate crime, that was initiated by Trump, more so than the one from El Paso. By now, we all know what happened. A lunatic, white supremacist, male, drove to a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, to try to kill as many Mexicans as possible.
That same day, another lunatic, white supremacist, male did the same thing in Dayton, Ohio. And where did their guidance come from? The very President of the United States. The “greatest country” on earth has a racist buffoon in office. A buffoon that is spewing hate, nonsense and is literally willing to do anything necessary to remain in the spot light.
Under the thumb of NRA lobby, the coward politicians have shifted their ire to video games rather than their very leader, the President. The President is the one that spewed hate when he first entered his campaign. The President is the one that began using racist remarks to refer to African countries. The President it the one that used derogatory descriptions of the people seeking asylum at our border. And it is the President, at all of his rallies, that cherishes the racists chants that some, not all, of his supporters scream.
So to the President and the coward politicians who are placing blame on video games, I tell them, in 2020, it will be Game Over.
P.S. Enough with the prayers and well-wishes. They are cheap and superficial. The victims need less praying and more action from us and the politicians to put an end to this epidemic.